Quantum Metal Malaysia and Tone Plus Strengthen Collaboration to Enhance User Experience and Gold Saving Opportunities

PENANG, MALAYSIA — January 19, 2024 — In a significant move towards fostering greater connectivity and providing innovative financial solutions, Quantum Metal Malaysia and Tone Plus announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the Quantum Metal Malaysia Office in Penang on January 19, 2024. The MOU signing ceremony was graced by the […]
Quantum Metal & ROSE Charities Malaysia Celebrates The Needy

GEORGE TOWN – In celebration of the arrival of the month of Zulhijjah, which marks the end of Syawal, the non-governmental organization (NGO), ROSE Charities Malaysia, organized the Launch Ceremony of 1000 Cheers & Smiles. The event also included special hamper donations for the lowest 40 per cent income families (B40) and homeless individuals in […]
Quantum Metal Bullion House, Penang, Malaysia

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